In my current position as a veterinarian working for a dairy cooperative, I often get questions from the general public during farm tours or through social media and our consumer hotline
Tara Vander Dussen, also known as the New Mexico Milkmaid, understands that people need to feel comfortable if they are going to ask a question of a dairy farmer
We all know that politics is a sensitive subject. Once you say your opinion or post it online, you will have people that agree and people that disagree
I wrote this post on the eve of Election Day. I don't really want to talk about politics, and I'm not going to divulge who I plan to vote for. That is not the point
What does your farm look like on Google? I've written about this before so you can understand how the farm looks to the rest of the world via your own farm website, social media, news articles, and so...
‘Tis the season for rambling posts and general unfriendliness on account of political views. As election day grows closer, I am reminded of 2016 and the massive fallouts of that November
When speaking with farmers, many times I learn they haven't seen the social media posts or advertisements being placed by their national and local checkoffs